She Means Fitness Business

If your female fitness clients aren’t getting results, it’s alarming, right? You know that session or two, even a week or two of a plateau is normal, but it gets hard to come up with answers about why it might be true to calm your clients. 


Unless of course, you start to second guess them. Are they cheating? Are they overestimating the exercise they’re doing outside of sessions or underestimating caloric intake? 

But none of these is the most likely reason your female fitness clients aren’t getting results if you’re working with midlife female fitness clients. 

Look, there’s the easy stuff you can teach that anyone is teaching today about losing inflammatory foods. But the easy and obvious answer isn’t so obvious to many trainers. 

So, here you go. 

These three reasons have two things in common. 

First, they’re all hormones. 

The second thing all three of these things have in common is… they all require adequate quality and quantity of sleep. 

For midlife female fitness clients, that may be something they wish for but haven’t had in a while. 

If you don’t know how to sequentially coach your clients on the solutions to better sleep, then I suggest you get my quick and dirty freebie.


# 1 Cortisol 

 If cortisol is high (or low) there is either too much muscle breakdown or too little energy and the body and metabolism are slowing down everything. 

 Muscle breakdown and fat storage both occur far faster in the presence of high cortisol than do lean muscle gains and fat burning. 

 When even one night of sleep deprivation occurs, cortisol levels the next day work against your client’s goals. 


#2 Growth Hormone 

 This hormone is key to growing lean muscle. The right strength training stimulus – you’re probably providing if you’re listening to this – is one way to boost it. In fact, it’s one of the best. But did you know? Growth hormone is released during the deepest cycles of sleep. So a woman who is having hot flashes, and night sweats, and or has an old dog or a snoring spouse… is going to suffer. She’s waking up multiple times and is never allowed into that deep sleep. 

 Other women have had insomnia for years. Do you know what happens to them? They just accept it. And they say, “that’s good for me” when they sleep for 4 hours straight or don’t wake until 4 even though they don’t need to wake up till hours later. 

You can be a key turning point in them changing the story they tell themselves. 

I met Jennifer when she was in her early 60’s. She’d had insomnia for decades. We tried everything, with some success. But finally, I said, let’s check with your doctor to see what would be the smallest viable sleep supplement with the least side effects possible. With the help of that sleep aid, she changed her sleep habits, and her relationship with bedtime, and lost 100 lbs. 


#3 Testosterone 

 If you’ve got women in midlife still drinking wine, skimping on protein, and doing cardio, they’re killing their testosterone. 

 It too is created during deep sleep cycles. Other ways of optimizing testosterone include the opposite of what I mentioned as saboteurs. That is, interval training, strength training, and high protein. 


That’s it… 3 ways, or really one way to improve 3 hormones that will change your relationship with your clients and improve their results. Turn your business into a coaching business as well as a training business by leveraging knowledge like this.


Sleep Tips for Your Clients:

Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist:

Other Episodes You May Like: 

Why Some Women Struggle with Weight, Hormones at Menopause:

Midlife Weight Gain Occurs Over Decades | The Misunderstood Delusion:


What for you is successful enough? If there’s no wrong answer, no right answer, what do you really want? Is it a monetary return? Is it a certain lifestyle? 


One thing I’d like for you to consider is you may already have it. I realized not long ago that I’m living my best life day today. I love my schedule, love my lifestyle, and am traveling just the right amount to the places I want to go. 


If I close my eyes, or if I write in a journal about my ideal home… I’ve been living it. 


And all too easily we sometimes start thinking that we have to keep striving and pushing and efforting. Are you successful enough? Or what would that look like for you? 


In this short Q and A episode with Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist, Amy, we talk about her second career and how she’s building a business. … and you can too. 


5-Day Kickstart to Attract More Midlife Clients. 


My Guest:

Amy VanLiew is a Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist with certifications in Menopause Fitness, Corrective Exercise, and Osteoporosis Fitness and she’s a retired engineer! She helps women over 50 get moving and feel better even as the aches and pains of age start to creep in, all from the comfort of their own home. At 50 she learned that life should not be about punishing our bodies or starving ourselves it's about accepting ourselves, learning to navigate the changes, and being healthy enough to do the things we love to do, To feel good, to feel satisfied, and to also be able to truly enjoy this later and better half of life.


Questions We Answer in this Q and A Episode:

  • 03:26 Biggest aha to you about menopause fitness? 
  • 04:21 What have you found to be the area where the clients you’re attracting struggle the most? 
  • 06:25 You’re a recent cover girl, which we’ve talked so much publicity being a key to getting you found, how did it came about?
  • 12:00 What if you were starting over again, what would you advise a listener do to get started? 


There you have it. You too can be successful enough. 


Listen to the Full Flipping 50 episode with Amy at 


Connect with Amy:


Amy Social:




Additional Episodes You Might Like: 

Healthy Enough Over 50 | What It Is 

How Are Your Nutrition Recommendations Making Clients Fat?

If you have female training clients, I can almost guarantee they want it all, AND they are overwhelmed before they start. 


You, dear trainer, will be tempted to give them the diet changes, the hydration goals, and the exercise to do all at once. And they will start on Monday and blow it by Wednesday and come back to you next week sheepish, feeling like a failure already. 

So don’t! Here’s how to get much faster results with uncommon strategies. 


#1 Give them less. 

For older female training clients, often overwhelmed, the best thing you can do is give them less and have them focus on it more. 


Better than “more” first goals: 

Track protein at each meal

Increase sleep quality 

Try adding 5 minutes to walking time this week

Especially if you work with female midlife clients, sleep is key. Click here ( for the tips I’ve coached women to increase sleep by up to 2 hours a night. 


#2 Set a daily check-in. 

After you and your client chose that better goal, set a daily check-in about it. Have them text you or use Voxer if that’s your choice to tell you how it went. 

Silly as it sounds, it’s not at all. It’s simply the best way to stay on track and not feel alone. 

When you decide to do this, preface it with the elephant in the room.

Tell her, you’ll feel silly. You’ll think, I should be able to do this myself.

And tell her that she’d be wrong. Pro athletes check in daily with software apps their coaches see in real-time after they do the daily workouts they were assigned. 

For the highly successful, there is always a team. 

Here’s how I know this. Introvert me could easily talk to no one for days. I can create a ton of content, market it, and grow my business along just fine.

But if I want to amplify what I’m doing, I check in with my mastermind team, my coach, and colleagues who also do not want to accept the status quo. 

Listen, most people go through the motions. They complain about the success they don’t have from work and the effort they didn’t do. So, to get results you have to have the accountability to someone outside yourself. Too many are like crabs in the bucket pulling you down to average. (tune in to an upcoming podcast on Flipping 50 if you want more on that topic)


#3 Create External Rewards.

 I know, I know. We think we need to create an internal motivation where it’s only important to the individual. And often they’ll tell you, they don’t want anyone else to know until … they’ve lost a few pounds… or they see progress in some other way. 

But that will backfire. 

I’ve trained for a dozen marathons, more than half of them followed a 2.4-mile swim, and a 112-mile bike ride (also known as Ironman). The first thing you do when you’re training with a group is tell the world. You’re encouraged to write letters, and share it with everyone (even if you’re not fundraising). 

That’s because saying it out loud helps YOU believe it more or in this case your client. Help her tell others, start saying “this is what I’m doing” not “this is what I’m trying.” 

Whether it’s dinner with the family, a massage, or a pedicure… just for consistently hitting activity or protein goals mentioned above doesn’t really matter. That it’s a public goal and a publicly celebrated reward.. that’s the difference. 


Make It Easy

Your female training clients have a lot on their plates, especially if they’re in midlife. Make it easy. Even for the ones that want more and want it to hurt and want to feel sore (they’re out there), strategically hold them accountable to small things. 

You’ll increase success rates with all kinds of clients by keeping them coming and injury-free. Working exclusively with female training clients? I’d love to hear from you!


Sleep Tips for Your Midlife Clients: 


More Midlife Clients Now:


Other Podcasts You May Like: 

20 Tips to More Midlife Fitness Clients Post Pandemic | #319:

Training 7 Women’s Hormone Phases of Life | Fitness & Health Pros:

Women’s Fitness, Health, & Hormones | Training Menopause:

Your female entrepreneur playbook is on the way. Better yet, it’s an audio edition, so lace up your shoes and get busy while you listen to this. My guest is going to help you become credible, have authority, and boost your brand. 


I can tell you the power of a book is great. It puts your words and message in front of many over and over again. Though I don’t like to refer to books as calling cards, I do think they make it easy to the marketing- or self-promotion–adverse. It’s easier to promote a book to get themselves out there when they otherwise would not.

Whether you have a traditional publisher or you self-publish, or you do something between, the value of a book also includes the fact it will force you to express your message clearly and concisely. It will boost your confidence and give you soundbites you’ll use forever. 

Listen in to this episode for the female entrepreneur playbook you’ve been waiting for! 

Want more midlife clients? 5 Days to More Midlife Clients Challenge:

My Guest: 

Patricia Wooster is a former corporate software executive turned traditionally published author of thirteen books and the self-published author of three business books. She is the founder of WoosterMedia which transforms leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes, influencers, and thought leaders into published authors who amplify their message through high-impact books.

Patricia has worked on over 350+ traditional publisher projects and helped countless others self-publish their books. She coaches people through the process of creating a transformational experience for their readers by mastering their message, engaging with their readers, and adhering to the high standards set by the traditional publishing industry. Her clients have landed agents, publishing contracts, speaking opportunities, and best-seller status.

Questions we answer on this podcast:

  • 07:00 How can listeners build their brand online?
  • 10:00 What is and how can someone create a “value ladder” in the digital space?
  • 15:56 Why is a signature story essential to differentiating yourself?
  • 22:24 What can you do to generate revenue fast?
  • 26:30 What are some of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make?
  • 31:10 What’s the difference in time to publish between traditional publishing and self-publishing? 

There you have it. She wrote the book, the female entrepreneur playbook. And she’s not only written dozens herself but she’s made it possible for entrepreneurs just like you to do the same. 

You have a story and a message. No one else has your stories, and each of them makes you unique and connect you to your ideal customer. 

But… only if you tell them. 

Connect with Patricia:



She’s Social: 






Additional Resources: 

5 Days to More Midlife Clients:

Marketing to Women Fitness & Health Coach Copywriting Course:

Create the Ultimate Freebie:

Direct download: Fitness_Marketing_Mastery_-_Patricia_Wooster_-_Edited.mp3
Category:career choices -- posted at: 3:00am MDT

I’ve got some testimonial sources you may want to tap into in this episode! 

Already asking for testimonials regularly? You might be tempted to skip this one. But don’t!


Videos of your successful clients are always going to work, right? But there’s something that you’re not using that may be the difference between someone pulling the trigger and deciding to start training with you. 


In order of testimonial strength, I’d say we have this right now: 

You adding a text quote from your testimonial sources and adding their first name and maybe age.

Including a quote that adds a full name and age. 

A screenshot of a social media post with name blacked out

A screenshot of a social media post including profile name 

A video of a client with a first name (and potentially age) 

A video of a client with a full name 


And the power of a testimonial increases if you ask the right questions. (Check notes for previous content on testimonials)


Who else’s life was changed because of the change in your client? 

One of the key questions I ask customers when they’re thinking about getting started is who else is affected by them not being where they want to be.

Say someone tells me that they have been thinking about it for a long time and they think about it frequently, I’ll ask who else is impacted. 

How many times have you asked a customer to share a testimonial? Or you’ve taken a screenshot of their comment on social media? 

And if you’re not doing this, start! It should be a regular part of your process for every program, every final client session, and every event. Just automatically have it go out. Have another follow-up if they pay no attention the first time. 

And then … 


There is strength in numbers.

So, don’t miss these sources of testimonials:

  •     Friends
  •     Children
  •     Partner/Spouse
  •     Coworkers/bosses/employees


Can you see the power of hearing a child talk about the change in their parent? Not only could that put a tear in the eye of a viewer, it may make them take the leap because often things get expressed like fears that couldn’t be spoken out loud when the fear was still felt. 

The power of a young child or grandchild is going to be different than that of an adult child but don’t rule any of them out.

So, what testimonial sources are you forgetting, friend? Who else should you ask that can share what you do? In better words that you can say yourself? 


5 Days to More Midlife Clients:


Other Episodes You May Like: 

How to Gather the Best Fitness Testimonials and Use Them:

Blueprint for Your Fitness & Health Coaching Business Plan:

If you’d love to tap into social media influencer tips for marketing right now you’re in luck. It’s tough out there! With everyone in the free world on social media since 2020, you’re going to have to be better, more clear, and offer more value if you hope to have an influence yourself. 


My guest is doing just that. She knows a thing or two about having a clear message vs a popular message. She’s not all rainbows and unicorns, she’s all truths and myths and reality. 

And trainers & health coaches, this works best. For the influencer tips for marketing we share, listen to the episode. But first, let me give you a spoiler alert: authentic works. 

Whether you’re listening because you love her message and you want to learn from her how to help yourself or your clients fuel better …. Or you want to understand how she’s arrived at this space she’s occupying and how she built her audience, let’s do this!

My Guest:

Steph Gaudreau is a strength nutrition strategist and lifting coach who helps women fuel themselves smarter. Get stronger, increase their energy, and perform better in the gym. She's the author of The Core 4: Embrace Your Body, Own Your Power and the host of the Listen to Your Body Podcast.

Questions we answer in this episode

  • 02:41 How did you determine your niche? Has it always been women 40+?
  • 07:40 What made your social marketing really take off (or did it, was it slow and steady)?
  • 08:57 What advice would you give our listeners, potentially struggling to be heard and seen above the noise online?
  • 14:36 If you were starting over in fitness/health what would you do differently? 
  • 19:08 How often do you post to benefit and grow your audience? 

Connect with Steph: 



She’s Social: 





Listen to the episode with Steph for FLIPPING 50 here:

Marketing to Women: Copywriting Course:

5 Day Marketing Flip:  





If you’re working with midlife women and love solving the problems of insomnia, weight gain, and belly fat with exercise modifications made for menopause, and want more midlife fitness clients… or health coaching clients… this is for you. 


You already realize that the time of day a woman exercises may determine how her hormones respond. She can improve or devastate her hormone status by the time of day she exercises. 


You’re probably already advising women about the difference between lifting weights and lifting them according to bone building and metabolism-boosting methods for women.


But… you aren’t as certain about how to help more women. You wonder how to market more effectively so that you can make a bigger difference. Buckle that seat belt, lace up your shoes, and let’s go. 


1)  04:02  Become the expert – education above and beyond 

Nothing comes before this. You’ve got to have the goods as much for yourself as anyone. When you know you know and you have something to say, your voice is strong. If your voice is soft, you lack confidence because of what someone will think, double down on education.

But not to a fault. Here’s where trainers get stuck in overcompensating for some feeling they aren’t enough by taking more and more courses and certifications. That isn’t going to fill up a confidence hole. If you need a coach, get a coach. Work on you and your personal sense of self. Know which kind of education and training you need before you go investing in something that will never help you over the real problem.

2)    06:10 Create relationships with experts 

The doctors, dentists in your community, and coaches and authors online that serve your audience are golden resources for you (and you are for them). Connect with them, serve them. Like and comment and share their posts if you agree with them. That puts you on their radar. Ask to do a “live” with them on social and answer audience questions. (There’s a way to do this that sets you up for success). 

Once you connect by serving and giving, you can explore opportunities for referrals or affiliate promotions. 

3)   07:16  Leverage social media (don’t waste it)

When you have a message they need and are looking for, use it! Avoid common mistakes like incorrect use of hashtags, failure to warm up your feed before posting, and more. Are you aware of platform secrets for engagement? 


4)   07:51  Avoid pitching on social media

The fastest way to kill your social media success is share programs, use it like an “ad” for your webinar when it’s not an ad. (Paid ads are fine). Your organic reach is going to be stifled by that. 

5)   08:54 Build your email list

If you aren’t working on this daily with a juicy freebie you should be. Here’s how. 


There’s both the science of knowing how to help when you get them. There’s the art of knowing who you work best with and who you repel. I gladly give client leads to our Flipping50 Fitness Specialists when I know they aren’t the right match for me. There is an abundance of midlife fitness clients who need help. Be open to the idea you’re not for everyone and that acknowledging that will bring you more business in the end. 


6)    11:18 Send consistently valuable emails

Once a week is minimum. If you just called your best friend once a week, would that be a little weird? Consider bumping it up to two and see what happens. Valuable means, though, not a sales pitch every time. If that’s all it is, most of us will say no thanks and hit delete or at least never read really fast. 

7)    12:44 Get media exposure 

Every local news station needs news to fill their programming every day. If you have news, and it’s not your book or program or business, but real news you can talk about, and it’s timely and relevant, they’re interested. 

What recent research study is relevant to your work and their audience. By the way, women in midlife are often still watching the news on TV, so go for it. It’s not actually the appearance on the news, it’s what you do with it after that matters. 

8)    Write or present for the industry

There are a dozen industry conferences that you can apply to speak at and share your expertise. If you have something special you’ve done and can teach other trainers and health coaches to do: a special workout, grown your social media, made X $ with a specific marketing strategy… it’s worthy of an application. If you’ve formed great relationships with physical therapists and have a unique referral process, that’s something other professionals can benefit from. I started teaching trainers the difference between coaching boundaries vs personal training back in 2000 and I’ve been presenting at major associations like IDEA, CanfitPro, NSCA, MedFit, FILEX, SCW and Club Industry, and Fitness Fest, ever since. It just takes one good idea and one conference to get started.

9)    Make one call every day

This is the easiest way on earth to gain clients. Few trainers or health coaches will do it. Recently a coach said to me, “How will I get to  [$$$$  amount she wanted]?” and I said, “Are you still making the daily calls?” No. It had been less than 2 weeks. When you ask for help, you’re given help, you have a choice. Fewer than 2% follow through. Nine out of 10 fitness businesses still go out of business or it’s still a hobby taking a loss at tax time 5 years later. 

10) Be your brand 

Work on your personal presentation in public. Look, I lived in a relatively small town before college, then moved to a college town that after 30 years had become pretty small. Everyone knew me everywhere I went. Then I moved to Boulder and then Scottsdale. 

I loved the anonymity… until… I’m in line at Walgreens (and again at the airport to board) and a woman says, “Do you have a website?” or “You look just like someone I follow online.” I can’t make this up. In both cases, also can’t make this up… it had been a busy day in business and I slapped on a visor and had not yet showered. No make-up, just getting done what I had to do.

My point? I was not “representing” either of those times. In fact, was hoping to fly under the radar and not be recognized. But you don’t get to choose. So, make sure you are comfortable if it happens. (I’ve decided I am. I go on camera that way too. The message for me is more important than me getting made up and pretending I’m perfect. But you may not be. So, if you are the spokesperson for your business, decide). 



One of the best organic sources of traffic for me was YouTube videos for 8 years. Until, that is the pandemic and everyone is on YouTube because there wasn’t another best choice. However, the foundation you lay there will support your efforts. While consistency isn’t a fast game it is always the best game. Call someone daily… no one does. Do videos 2 or 3 times a week… and keep doing it. No one does. You will win. 



11) Talk About the Pandemic

Listen, this is stupid. Few trainers and health coaches are using this in marketing strategies and it’s ridiculous. Get on it. The problems today are not the same as problems pre-pandemic. Acknowledge it and offer a solution. 

12) Offer free presentations to women’s groups

Every women’s group has a presentation almost as often as they have a meeting. Generally, it’s a monthly occurrence and often it’s during nine months of the year excluding summer. There may be holiday months off, but that’s 8 opportunities for you to let it be known that you can talk about exercise motivation, benefits of [your type of training], or bone density, for example. 

13) Team up with organizations (for charity)

Charity events are held annually in every town and city and online. Find ones that resonate with your midlife fitness clients. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, American Heart or Cancer related events are a good start. Your local hospital and auxiliary are others. Be present to demonstrate how exercise or wellness reduces risk or improves outcomes. You can get in front of an audience who care about health and about community. 

14) Get on video 

On social media, on your website pages and anywhere you can do it, video is the easiest way to do what you do best. You teach, explain, and design exercise programs that are effective. Or as a coach you provide clarity and support to clients making changes. Capture it on video and then share it (market it).

15) Write a book 

Anyone can write a book today. The barrier to self-publishing is low. Once you write it, it’s about marketing it shamelessly to get it in as many hands as possible. A book (well done) immediately builds credibility. That includes references, expert interviews, story, and reviewers. The complete process is not a quick fix but you can flesh out your outline for a home run book quickly if you really know your customer. 

Link to 5 Day Flip:

More midlife fitness clients (or health coaching clients) come from the trail that leads them to you. When they get there, it’s about your voice. Are you speaking the same rate as they are, making them feel more relaxed and confident they’ve found the answer? Test your voice, your literal voice. If it sounds childlike or is hard to listen to, you can change it with practice.


16) Trademark your system

You should have a unique method, system or protocol that is proven to work. You want to have clients who can give testimonials that it’s worked for them. You want to create video about why you created it. You want to talk about a single step in a presentation and mention this is just one of 5 (or 3 or 4) that you have. 

17) Define your niche and stick to it

The mistake most trainers make is thinking they can serve anybody and that getting specific will narrow their reach. The opposite is true. You won’t attract anybody with “everybody” messages. If a reader, viewer, or listener doesn’t see themselves in you and your message, they aren’t going to take the next step. 

18) Make it easy to start

Reduce the barrier. That might be free something or a money-back guarantee.

19) Go beyond “free trial” or “free consultation.”

Do a free class for a charity.

Meet clients where they are with a less intimidating first contact. The ones that really need you are not ask likely to register for a free consultation as you might think. That’s a big step for them. But a small challenge or a video or ebook that solves a problem for them is an easier, more convenient way to learn whether they trust you. 

20) Always market. 

Whether it’s paid ads you keep rolling on Facebook or it’s a partnership with someone in town, you’ll always want and need new leads. The most successful keep the lead sources always nurtured and never stop. If you had too many clients and couldn’t service them, wouldn’t that be a fun problem? Then you’ll need, 10 Ways to Serve More Clients in Less Time, right? You just tell me when you’re ready. And I’ll tell you, if you can serve 10 you can serve 100, and 1000, and if you dream and you have the vision you can serve 10,000 or 100,000. You first have to see it. 


The best way to attract midlife fitness clients that you know you can help is to grow your support of them first. Gain confidence and strength in your voice. Gain the knowledge you need to do that without getting stuck thinking what you need is one more certification or degree. 

Resources Mentioned in this Episode: 

5 Day Flip:

Best Freebies for Best Customer Attraction:

Flipping 50’s Menopause Fitness Specialist:

Additional Podcasts You Might Like:

Training Women in Menopause | Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist:

Women’s Fitness, Health, & Hormones | Training Menopause:

Direct download: Fitness_Marketing_Mastery_-_More_midlife_clients_-_Edited.mp3
Category:Personal development -- posted at: 3:00am MDT