She Means Fitness Business

In this episode, I cover 3 Reasons Your Social Media Isn’t Working.

If your social media isn’t working, don’t give up. Get up, dust yourself off. And let’s do more of what is working right now. Post pandemic marketing strategies have changed. What worked 2 years ago, won’t necessarily now. What works today won’t necessarily in 6 mos. or a year.

What always does work is letting your customers decide what, and where, once you decide why you’re posting. If social media isn’t working for you right now, with more people online than ever before, it’s time to regroup.

Everyone is On Social

Friday afternoon I got my haircut and colored. Every person in the chair including myself was head down staring at their phones. Saturday afternoon I swam at the gym pool after a workout. Between sets guys and gals are staring at their phones, and at the pool? Same thing. I was the only one with a book or magazine in North Scottsdale, I think.

I think it’s safe to say the majority of those people weren’t creating or sending emails for work. (Okay, entrepreneurs, I get it, sometimes yes, but it’s rarer.) They may have been texting but for sure the 2 ½ hour average use of social media in the past two years hints that we have an opportunity, but only if we’re standing out. Smart and beautiful is not enough.

You have to have a voice.

It starts with your bio. The introduction of you to your audience on your website, your social media “about” section, the intro you do at regular intervals on your social media posts. It also includes the intro you hand to a host of a podcast or at your media appearances and guest speaking gigs.

If you’re not even sure where to start so that you’re not just a list of certifications that anyone else can say, and your audience doesn’t even care about, I’ve got just the solution. How to Avoid a Boring Bio is a quick little worksheet that will help you not sound like everyone else!

It’s Not Clear What Your Followers Will Get from Following You – There’s no theme other than you

Imagine that you decide you’re going to target midlife women. Your content includes:

  1. Interviewing other fitness experts
  2. Talking about food and fashion choices
  3. Discussing aging and menopause
  4. Sharing home remodeling and vacations

That’s a lot of variety. And if I really want fitness content, I’m going to follow a fitness expert. If I want recipes and food, likewise, I’ll search for that. If I want menopause-related content I’m probably interested in eliminating signs and symptoms, hormones, and science.

If I want to remodel or choose a vacay, I want to find an influencer who is sharing home flips or beautiful travel images. Unless you’re established as must-follow celebrity it will be hard to identify an audience who wants to jump around from one thing to the next.

A lack of value right up front and frequently

    1. How do you save them from making mistakes, and get them whatever they want faster?
    2. Are you busting myths or revealing research? Sharing recipes or giving workouts?
    3. Do you show up regularly doing that so they can count on you?

A fellow presenter posts regularly in multiple accounts about bikini fitness contests, being a fitness model, life with Hashimotos, and about fitness in menopause. That’s a lot going on in her posts with a really diverse amount of information.

She’s not getting traction. The growth of her accounts and the engagement is very low, compared to some less-educated, less knowledgeable, and far less beautiful influencers. Followers would have a hard time knowing why to follow her though. She might do better having multiple accounts with just one clear focus. Brand those distinctly. Don’t cross over.

A lack of conversation that’s meaningful for your audience

    1. Earn the right to be an “influencer” who shares insights into your personal day, schedule, vacation, diet, etc.
    2. Before it’s about you it has to be about them.

“It’s not hard to eat healthy on vacation… just choose xyz.”

Comes across a little teachy and preachy to someone who says, “It’s hard to eat healthy on vacation.”

What if instead you flip it, and say, “It’s easy to fall off during vacation. Here’s how I cope.”

Trust me I used to make this error. I’d post without realizing my message that I feel 100% better and enjoy the vacation so much more when I do choose well, didn’t come across that way. It came across more as, “I’m strong, you’re weak, and not committed,” and… if your audience really needs you… they’ve left. They aren’t going to share that they gained 10lbs eating at the buffet on the cruise every day or sucking down margaritas, chips and salsa in Cabo.

The only ones who are going to like that are the ones already doing it just like you. So, think about why you’re posting, who you’re posting to, and where they are in their heads before you create a post.

What's Next?

There’s a lot here. I’m not a fitness marketing expert. I’m a fitness marketing surgeon. If you want to take the next step to bettering your fitness marketing, there are several ways I can help.

  1. Get the free How to Build a Better Bio cheatsheet
  2. Join the 2021 BYB Fitness Masterclass series
  3. Join… for 2 days more the Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist PLUS Mastermind for 2021 at 40% off right now during this last 2 days of Women’s Health Month. Use: whm40

Never have to say your marketing on social media isn’t working again.

And stay tuned, I’ve got a special episode coming up for you about viral social media. And it’s so not what you’d expect I’d say.

Direct download: social_media_not_working.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 8:25pm MDT

My content was stolen last weekend. An Instagram post I’d shared on February 6, 2021, was almost verbatim copied… by another midlife health coach, who after using my post as if it were her own in which I shared a client conversation she took and used as if it were her client, and then also used the copy below the graphic almost word-for-word.

There's More

But it gets better. Just after using the copy she plagiarized, she pitched her program declaring that her goal was to help someone reach their full potential… by coaching with honesty.

I don’t quite know what to think about it still.

I wanted to believe it was an honest mistake. But how could word-for-word be an honest mistake. Someone would have to be so naïve to think that stealing someone else’s words is ethical.

I found it hard to believe a midlife woman, who wants to be coaching midlife women, doesn’t know the foundational core values of no lying, stealing, or cheating.

Here’s What Makes This Potentially Very Risky

In using my client testimonial as her own, and the copy I wrote, she was promoting her own program. Profiting from this type of behavior makes it a worse offense.

So, when you have content that others admire, or think works, or wish they’d said, you too will have this happen to you.

It will happen. In this episode is what to do.

My choices were to…

  • Ignore it
  • Message her privately
  • Post about it publicly
  • Let the platform (s) where she’s used my content know that she is spamming me.

I chose 2 and 3. I have yet to do #4, and I don’t have time to focus on being a watchdog. That kind of negative energy doesn’t serve you. But sometimes you have to choose to make an example. This is one of those times.

The Message: My Content Was Stolen

I messaged her in Instagram. I posted on my Facebook page and shared it to my personal page. I used it to both gather feedback and to share with my community that this likely happens all the time. To someone, not to me. There are a lot of copycats out there.

By the way it’s a new teaching for our mastermind masterclass about how to create copy without being a copycat. It is perfectly okay to curate – that is share, repost, and credit – but it is not okay to copy and steal. If you know your customer better than anyone you should never need to or want to copy. Fitness pros and health coaches, do your homework, it’s easy, enjoyable and fun to really connect to your clients.

To her credit she responded to my message.

She accepted responsibility. And asked me to remove the post I’d made about her stealing the content. At the same time, she didn’t offer to remove the one she’d posted using my content. I have a proposal for her so we can discuss it, use it as a way to identify ethical practices, honest mistakes, and truly unethical ways of “collecting” marketing copy. Other posts of this copycat have begun to be “suspiciously similar” to other experts. She doesn’t herself seem to have a voice.

If your website or other content was stolen you have some options. First, though for many of us will be in this spot I was initially. And that is, a desire to understand it and how it could happen.

Will We Ever Know Why?

The thieving coaches and trainers (if they are, and aren’t bots) either:

  • Don’t know any better
  • Don’t have their own content or client testimonials
  • Know full well it’s not right but do it anyway

And last unfortunately, know enough to know your copy is good and that they need good copy.

So, it will happen, friend. If you’re here, I think it will happen to you.

I’d like to make this one thing clear before I point out what other options there are if you’re content was stolen, or you find that true in the future.

There is Room for Every Authentic Voice

I created a Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist course and host a mastermind and masterclasses in order to help trainers and health coaches’ market themselves better. I want my students to be successful. And I can do that because there’s no way that one of us can serve all the people who need help. I teach you how to use your own voice, tell stories, and elevate your audience members with marketing.

It’s what I try to do every day. It is one of the reasons after 37 years of experience, I still am very closely tied to every message I share. I’ve created it. Written it. Gathered messages from my clients and students.

That real, authentic, truthful content I share is mine. Not borrowed, or stolen, or made up.

So does the world have too many health coaches? Fitness trainers? If the health statistics tell us anything, and I believe they tell us everything, there is room for you. As long as you use your voice, your unique personality, skills and talents to connect with your clients.

You Can Only Authentically Market You. Start.

No one will copy a copycat. But they’ll follow and use your content. That’s not to say that like-minded people serving the same or similar audiences, don’t come up with similar ideas or read the same research they’ll share. But never verbatim.

Our personalities, our way of teaching and communicating are unique. It’s that uniqueness that makes you marry who you marry, not your best friend’s spouse. It makes you choose the outfit you put on and send the other things back in the dressing room. And it makes you appeal to customers you will love working with and supporting their transformation. Attracting them based on someone else’s words and stories is not only wrong but it’s going to backfire on you.

So, what you and I need to do is know what course of action you take if you ever have to say, my content was stolen what do I do?

Copyright is real.

What is copyright? Not ironically, we are diving into that in June with two lawyers expert in copyright, Trademarks, domain, and legal aspects of your website in the Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist Masterclass.

Too few fitness pros start with the legal business parts and instead dive into service and delivery.

Copyright Legality

Copyright begins when you use something. You say it in public speaking, write it, use it in product titles. Your use of it first and repeatedly makes it yours.

Back in 1998 a US law intended to update copyright law for electronic commerce and electronic content providers. It criminalizes the circumvention of electronic and digital copyright protection systems.

That’s known as the Digital Millennium Content Act.

It’s unethical. Is it illegal?

If you used someone else's copyrighted material and commercially profited from that useyou may have to pay him monetary damages, and court may prohibit you from further using his material without his consent. A federal judge may also impound your material and order you to immediately destroy it.

Your Content Was Stolen?

The DMCA, or the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, protects creative works on the internet and contains the legal foundation for rights management in digital works. It covers things such as articles, videos, and photographs.

The DMCA protects both copyright owners and internet service providers (ISP), otherwise known as online service providers (OSP). To warn would-be content thieves away, you can use a DMCA Protection Badge on your website. (this content from: also mentioned in resources below).

DMCA is all about getting your stolen content taken down.

More Explanation

It’s a little like copyrighted music. If you’re found using copyrighted music without a license to do so, once upon a time in gyms that came with a hefty fine. What DMCA will do is help get that content taken down.

If your content lands on a scammy website, you risk association with it.

Email Example

The same can happen with emails. Say you’re unknowingly emailing bots or spammers who’ve signed up for your email list. (Yes, this is a thing). If you fall into a spam trap set up by these bots, then Google reviews that as you sent spam and you risk far-reduced delivery rates, something none of us wants.

If you haven’t yet grasped that your email list is gold, and you have to scrape it regularly it’s time. If you already have poor delivery or open rates, Google knows at the least; you don’t clean your list. You’re sending people something they do not want. 

How Do You Avoid Committing This Error Yourself?

If you love a post, don’t “copy” it and make it yours. Repost it. Quote the individual who said it. Interview the person. Engage and interact with them. Ask permission to share the post (and tell them specifically how you’re going to do it).

Add your own interpretation and you both win. If you have followers, they’re there because they like what you’re doing, how you think, how you teach. Your voice resonates with them. If you don’t have a following, that’s a red flag that potentially you need to do more you!

I’d love your questions or comments on this. Has it happened to you? What did you do? Have you witnessed it? Do you think, OMG, you might have made this mistake in the past and now know better?

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Mastermind & Masterclass

Tax & Legal Masterclass Bundle

Direct download: content_was_stolen.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 11:31am MDT

Doing that weekly fitness marketing plan is a must. Whether you decide you need to post four times a day on Facebook, or just once, once a day on Instagram or just every other day, it has to be done. Deciding on the image the text, any call to action, and all as a part of a strategy, not a random plea for attention, takes time.

How long does it take?

As long as you allow.

Every task expands to the time it’s allowed.

So, you decide. You have to decide.

Decide right now.

In this post I’m going to share the approximate time it takes to:

  • Write an email
  • Write a subject line
  • Write a blog
  • Write a video script

Whether you are a fitness or health coach, marketing is something left off every certification and every physiology and kinesiology degree program. Marketing 101 with the four Ps is not going to help you in 2021. I once suggested to my son who was contemplating changing majors to marketing that if he did, I’d encourage him to drop out. I was going to bring him with me to conferences and enroll him in the programs I’ve worked with to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last 8 years.

Start thinking about marketing as small parts of a whole. You need to think about your big goals for the year, the quarter, and the month. That gives you a better goal for the week. You’ve got to be tracking the right numbers.

Tracking Weekly Fitness Marketing Progress

What’s your scoreboard? How many people engaged with you last week, compared to the week before?

How much growth did you have? How much traffic came to your website from the social posts you shared? Again, comparing it to what you did the week before is important.

Because marketing is one of the most important things you do in your business, and you’ve got to do it and do it well. (Frankly, polishing your marketing should come before your next certification, your next hire, or your next program starts). Marketing is always research that confirms what you’re selling is something people will buy. It confirms whether the message you’re using to describe it resonates with the ideal customer you’re targeting.

Marketing First, Delivery Second

But I’m not going to spend time exploring the importance of marketing in this episode. You know that. I mention that however to get you thinking about how little you spend time interviewing and testing marketing skills, or even writing the job description to a marketing director for your organization compared to how much time you spend hiring a trainer or front desk manager.

If you’re doing the marketing yourself, how much time and resources have you dedicated to learning how to do it, compared to getting certifications and reading books about the services you should be marketing better? That might be a touchy subject but someone listening needs to hear it. If you suddenly task your personal training director or yourself, personal trainer or health coach, with writing emails, ad copy, creating social media posts, and you’ve never studied it? How could that turn out well?

Weekly Fitness Marketing

Here is a rough estimate for weekly fitness marketing tasks:

  • Emails – 15 minutes each
  • Subject Lines – 30 minutes
  • Blog – I have a 5-minute blog post freebie – 5-20 mins to do the writing
  • Video Script – 10 minutes
  • Ads – 30 minutes for text ads

Notice that the fewer the words the more time you want to spend.

And you’re going to repurpose content. Research you have for a blog, will be used to create social media posts. You’ll weave that content into videos.

In reality, I know for me and my friends who do research-based blog posts it can take four hours to do all the tasks. But I don’t have to do every step. I create the topic and the bullet points. I can outsource the research links for the post. Get efficient doing what you do best. Set up alerts for new research.

Keys to cutting down your weekly fitness marketing time:

  • Know your ideal customer. You can’t craft a clear message if you’re trying to talk to “everyone.”
  • Know where the ideal customer is on their journey.
  • Know what problem you solve for the customer.

If you want help with weekly fitness marketing content and copywriting across your business, you can learn more at a special session for trainers and health coaches who help midlife women.

During Women’s Health Month, we have a special presentation and open doors for the mastermind. It ends June 1. Stage your comeback, your start or your growth with messaging that is on target for this moment in time.

Fitness Marketing Mastermind Masterclass

Direct download: weekly_fitness_marketing_.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 3:00am MDT

How would you like to get twice as much done every day? In half as much time as it normally takes. Well, listen, I’m not going to talk about Tim Ferris’ 4-Hour Week. I think we can all work 4 hours a week if we want to. We just might be broke doing it. Most of the wealthy – and healthy – entrepreneurs I know (in the medical, health, and wellness fields) work considerable hours.

Is this you?

They do the things others aren’t willing to without complaining about it. They’re choosing to serve their chosen customers. They have goals. And they commit to reaching them. Not because it’s easy or effortless.

There’s another catch. They do the most important things first. They have taken the time to determine what those priorities are.

If you struggle with that, the most important steps for building your business, I’ll add a link in show notes for you. If you serve midlife women, you want to serve them optimally, and stand out in a crowded marketplace vying for the attention of women over 50, this is for you. There is a masterclass you want to attend as early in 2021 as you’re hearing this. It’s becoming more and more urgent that you get ahead of the crowd.

More Than Playboy or Playgirl Lifestyle

So, I hope you get already that this episode isn’t suggesting that you can work half days and then go golfing or skip the communicating with your audience the rest of the day. It’s not like that. But if you’re here so that you can accelerate your progress and yes, take the occasional vacation, or work less when you take work with you, then stick around.

The last plug on the productivity tips coming up in this episode is this: you’ll have fewer errors and regret your work less when you learn to work in a way that serves you.

I’ve got questions for you. Think of it as a quiz. The real evaluation of the quiz is not in the right answers. It’s in the quickness that you can answer the question.

Do you know the answer to these questions?

  • When do you have the best focus?
  • How are you inspired?
  • What boosts your creativity?
  • What time of day is the best for your concentration?
  • Is there a best time for meetings, sessions, and learning?
  • What’s the absolute worst time for pushing to finish a project?
  • What time of day do you make the most errors?

Do You Know Yourself?

I hated the typical workday schedule in private business and universities. I always felt like I was working all day, but I wasn’t getting anything done.

I was following my intuition before I ever knew I was following my intuition.

In high school, I got up early, (somehow, I was still always late for school) but I got up early! That’s when I would work on the school yearbook or other projects. In college I continued getting up early. Irritatingly early, for half a dozen roommates in small dorm rooms, I’m sure.

It’s Not Just the Workplace

There are no interruptions at 5am. Or few. Very few. Until there was. In 1995 I was introduced to my first real interruption. That first morning after we brought our son home from the hospital, I had a rude awakening. He was not going to be sleeping in for me. Quiet time evaporated for a while. Yes, totally worth it, but it made me realize how much that time was sacred for my productivity (and sanity).

A couple years later when I began working for a university and a gym both. When I had to be at morning staff meetings or taught 8am classes that came after handling kiddos, puppies, and workouts, I would get up even earlier so that I didn’t miss my productivity. I’d work for a couple hours, then workout, then get the flow of “get ready” and finally show up to be “at work.”

When I was training for Ironman distance triathlons, it didn’t matter if I needed to run 9 miles before my son had an early tee time, I’d get up a couple hours even before that in order to work first. (So early that for night owls, you might have been coming home when I was getting up!)

Like Willpower, Daily Productivity is Limited

Because I knew if I didn’t, I’d lose the productivity. That time can’t just be shifted somewhere else in your schedule. The work you put out if you’re not working on your personal schedule will probably be crap. After a day I just described hauling my son to golf tournaments, I could answer emails and phone calls, but I could not write, create programs, or edit content.

What About Your Morning Workout?

I used to be a morning workout person. Now I will if I can, but I can workout later and I can’t get the focus and concentration later, so it always wins. If I’m at a conference and know I want to get a workout in before it starts in the morning, I rise and work, then workout, then start the day.

You need to know you.

What’s the biggest killer of productivity? A Monday morning staff meeting.

What’s the second biggest killer of productivity? A staff meeting any other morning.

What’s the other productivity killer? Interruptions and distractions. Just like you don’t want to have an open door with people walking by or stopping in, you don’t want to have 14 tabs open or your phone beside you vibrating and buzzing.

Ask for specific thought-requiring tasks or set them for yourself to be done in the morning.

More Secrets to Get Twice as Much Done

Collectively? Are there common denominators? Based on hormones yes. Cortisol is higher in the morning – if it’s at optimal levels – it feeds your focus, concentration and productivity.

Suggestion: Create an unspoken rule in your business that those first couple hours in the morning should be as uninterrupted as possible for your admins and copywriters, and marketing staff or managers working on programming and scheduling.

Move meetings to the afternoons!!

When you block that productive time you want to be sure you are inspired and have ideas that you can implement. How do you keep the creativity flowing?

Ideas for Ways to Boost Your Creativity

  • Read industry articles
  • Spend an hour doing a science dive
  • Let it marinate while you exercise
  • Keep notes or voice messages for yourself
  • Listen to podcasts (like this one??)
  • Take a continuing education course (Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist)
  • Read consumer magazines
  • Poll your audience
  • Read books you love
  • Get a massage or a facial

You get twice as much done in ways I don't

The way you boost creativity to get twice as much done in half the time is different than the way I do. The books you choose will be different. You may choose to listen instead of read. The exercise you do may be different and you may find you are more creative in a group with people around unlike me who has to have some uninterrupted quiet time (and a mug or two of matcha) to be in my zone of productivity.

Above all, be sure the things you’re getting done, matter. There’s a lot of busywork out there that can make you temporarily feel good. You can fool yourself into thinking you’re working hard. But if it’s only helping you fill your hour up and not amplifying your revenue and the way you scale it, it’s not what you want to be getting better at.

Sometimes, saying no to opportunities means you can say yes, to productivity and profit.


Fitness & Health Coach Masterclass (if you want and need to grow your business)

Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist

Tax & Legal Masterclass Bundle (ends soon)

My Matcha – my secret productivity weapon



Direct download: twiceas_muchdone.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 12:36pm MDT

So you're posting regularly you're using Instagram, maybe Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, all the things, but results are dismal. Nobody is really liking, nobody's really commenting and nobody's really sharing and if you're on Instagram, we're going to talk a little bit more about Instagram specifically, Nobody's saving, which is like the gold standard. So, here's why, and what you can do about it.

So literally what I want to share with you is what I've been watching and observing in certain exercise professionals: trainers, bodybuilders and health coaches on Instagram. I'm watching their accounts, and what I've seen is great post great content, they're beautiful images, and nothing.

There's really very little interaction, engagement, and there's a low number of people actually even liking it. So that’s kind of level one.

  • They give you a comment. That's level two.
  • And they share it you’ve made it to level three.
  • They save it, level four when you're on Instagram.

We're not seeing that happen in a lot of accounts that I'm watching.

Are You Legal? Got Tax strategy for your HEALTH & FITNESS business?


today we're talking about hashtags. Your hashtag strategy has to be very, very specific to the post, not to generically what you're trying to read.

The algorithm on Instagram is getting smarter and smarter, and what's happening is it's looking at your posts, the images and or the videos that you're posting, and it's also looking at the copy the text that you're posting, and then the hashtags that you use. If they're different. ..They don't even apply to what it is that you wrote in your message? The algorithm and Instagram is confused. It's not going to help you get discovered.

Get It Right

So if you're creating great content the images and or great videos, you want to make sure that everything there is congruent, the pictures the videos, the infographics that you're creating, together with the copy that you're creating, and the hashtags, most importantly. Those latter two, so you can put a beautiful image that catches somebody's eye and then makes them come in, look, and your text and your copy may not actually be completely representative, just because you're talking about eating correctly, choosing, you know what you're eating and using the discipline and the knowledge that you need.


You may not show somebody sitting down to a plate of food you may not show food at all, but it may be an image, expressing this is how you're going to feel, you know like someone on vacation or on the beach, arm spread out up to the world full of energy, that kind of imagery is still appropriate, and probably a better idea than just one of food, but when you go to your hashtags…they have to be congruent.

You want to make sure that if you're posting something about getting started with exercise and beginning personal training and what that personal training experience should be like for someone.


If you're posting hashtags that are unrelated to the text that you added,

The algorithm is confused, is not going to help you any get discovered.

And here's a secondary thing that I've just learned from my Instagram guru and I'm going to share this insider tip with you. [And if you want more information and how you actually take the course that I took and get access to this a woman who is sharing so much great content and updating us all about what we need to be doing, DM me in Instagram or email us at debra@fitnessmarketingmastery.]


Multiple Images for Social Media Traction

It's important that you realize that if you add an ability to scroll so multiple images and pictures. If you add that, that scrolling with hashtags… and

scrolling is helpful because it keeps people on your timeline for a little bit longer, it will boost the engagement of the people who are already following you.

However, what's new now is that those hashtags that you're using won't help you get discovered by new people on a multiple carousel multiple image carousel well they're where they scroll.

So realize that you want to have different kinds of posts, and sometimes you're going to want to have just one video, or one image, not scrollable.

ONE IMAGE or VIDEO for Social Media Traction

That's when you really want to do your homework on your hashtags, and when I say homework, you've got to look them up and look up, you know, to find out. Are you really going to be found using those hashtags.

So if you use “#fitness” for instance, unless you are like me, Arnold Schwarzenegger that everybody recognizes, or that Jillian Michaels, who is going to be known for fitness, you know, lesser known people potentially like you and I today are not going to get so much traction, if we use that because it's got millions and millions of hits.

So you want to go deeper and say #fitnessforwomen #over50 You want to look at hashtags that illustrate that and see how many searches, and how many hits of that are there and make sure that you're doing a range that is reasonable.

Hashtag research for Social Media Traction

You want to have a wide variety of ranges, some smaller some medium size and some bigger in every post that you do but very related to what you're posting about. So let's go back to my example. So you're talking about the personal training experience what it's really supposed to be like, how it takes the guesswork out of what you're doing, how it is about strength training it is about cardio, it is about stretching, but it's about it for you, and no one else but you. It is very individual, and it is not just a group program that appeals, or is targeted at really no one in particular thing that's what you're talking about that's your soapbox, then use your hashtags.

Wise Hashtags

You want to make sure that you have, say, #FitnessAfter40

You want to make sure that you have women's fitness, and that's a big one, by the way, but #womenshealth, a smaller one, #womenswellness is smaller one.

So think about doing your research on post like that. But if you simply put happy, or you put something like versus active aging. If you appeal to an older population that's going to be a good idea, but if you're doing that you wouldn't want to put in the same hashtag set, you know, fitness after 20 or fitness at 20 Right, because those are conflicting, you've got to be in that same spirit that same audience would be attracted to any and all of those hashtags, and maybe using them to search for solutions.

So if you're talking about your virtual training, you might put #onlinetrainer #onlinehealthcoach, #onlinewellnesscoach

For Local Business

For social media traction within a geographical location use geo tags and hasthtags. #bouldertrainer #scottsdalecoach #iowafitness

If it's used just 500 or fewer times, I always skip it. But if it's used 1000 times 10,000 times 5000 times. Take a range of those types of hashtags, that's actually going to help you.

Make sure it's related to the exact content that you're sharing.

It can't be a reach. It really needs to be are these words that you've used so if you've ever used keyword kinds of research in say posting your YouTube videos. It applies here to the keywords that appear:

  • in your title
  • in your description
  • your tags
  • Long tail phrases are better than single words.

Do Your Homework

Think about what we're women search for when they're looking for core exercise, they're probably going to put something like core exercise for women after 50 So think about, literally, if you were her, and you need to know her that well, better than anybody else, when she's alone, frustrated left to her own devices.

What specifically is she typing into Dr. Google, so that you will come up your title, your description your tags, and similarly on Instagram, your copy in the post your selected hashtags, and potentially the image, but more so if that's an infographic.

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If you don’t know the answers to these, join me as I ask… and you can send your Qs if we still have space.

  • What’s the best way to set up my business? Sole proprietor, LLC, S-corp
  • How do I pay myself?
  • How do I protect my personal assets (and partner’s) from business?
  • What forms are a must on my website?
  • What do I need to have on my site if I have e-commerce?
  • When is Trademark beneficial and what’s the cost and process?
  • What if someone else has the business name I use? The domain?

Register now. You’ll get the recordings even if you can’t join live. The cost of consulting with one (let alone 2 lawyers who know health & fitness inside and out) and a tax strategist for more than two hours is at least 2x the registration fee and 6 times the early bird.

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